
Geology of the Cashmere Downs

  • The Cashmere Downs Iron Project covers most of the northern portion of the Mt Elvire-Cashmere greenstone belt for a north-south strike of nearly 40 km.
  • The greenstone component of the belt comprises a dominantly mafic sequence with an ultramafic component. Banded Iron Formation (BIF) is abundant with lesser sediments and felsic lithologies.
  • Ridge forming magnetite-bearing meta-BIF is present throughout the tenements.
  • The magnetite deposits and oxidised iron caps are related to major structural features-the northern syncline and southern fold structures.
  • A magnetite enriched “core” usually forms the backbone of the ridges.
  • The deposit are considered favourable for low cost open pit mining, which initially involves stripping of the iron rich ridges.